Monday, June 25, 2018

Review Post: Virtual Reality and Video Games

For those of you who don't know virtual reality(VR) is a new way to play games that just recently came out with in the past couple years. Virtual reality is when a player puts on a headset that has the game that puts them in a computer generate world. There are also controllers that are used with both hands to mimic the hands in the game. Throughout the years it has improve greatly with adding controllers and even chest plates now.

Virtual reality did take video games to a whole other new level but not as much as people thought. I don’t think video games will go anywhere soon but i do believe that within the next 15 to 20 years it will be mostly all virtual reality. With the improvements of video games now it's becoming more realistic as it's ever been. Video games will also be home to a console and controller but i think that gamers who have been playing for years are not ready to change that.

Virtual reality does have some great uses including surgery practices and training. This can be very helpful and improve our technology for medicine and health. VR has also been proven to help with certain disorders and PTSD. I think that virtual reality is great technology for the health reasons i mentioned but it won't be until later when we use it all for video games. Virtual reality might even become a way of life in the future but that’s years down the road.

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