Pillar 2: How to

How to become a better gamer:

If you are a gamer I can almost guarantee that you want to become better at the game you are currently playing. I personally always want to get better at the games I play.  At the time I’m writing this I have been playing Fortnite in my free time and I can say that I just want to keep playing until I’m better at the game. There are some games that are all luck and there’s no way to get better at them. Many multiplayer games give you a chance to become better at the game.

Something that can improve your gameplay that many people often ignore is the tutorials. In most games there are tutorials on how to play the game and some shortcuts that help you play throughout the game. In some games there are tutorials throughout the whole game to help you finish the game. Many players including myself skip this tutorials so we can just play the game. In a recent game I started playing I ignored the tutorials and I regretted it. About half way through the game I has to go back and do the tutorial and learn how to do some specific moves. I recommend if you want to start a new game and want to become a better player at that game start with the tutorial. The tutorials are usually not that long and can be very helpful. I will have to admit they are usually boring but the output is well worth it. Another thing that happens in the start of a game is select what difficulty you want to play on. A tip to get better is by starting on the lowest level then gradually rising it up. Starting at the lowest level gives you a good feel on what the game is about and how to get better. Once you are at the highest level you have a great sense of the game’s mechanics and how to improve as time goes on.

Many games that have tutorials also have single player and multiplayer modes. Most tutorials are in single player but once throughout the single player the multiplayer mode could come easy to you than someone who went straight into multiplayer. Also by completely the single player mode through the difficulties starting with the lowest level and ending at the highest might make multiplayer mode a little easier.

The most obvious thing that will make you better at video games is by playing them. You can expect to be amazing once you start playing because that just doesn’t happen. The say “practice makes perfect” also applies to video games. By getting better at anything the more work you put in the more you should get out. I’m not saying play hours on hours but by playing a little a day and then looking at what you accomplished that day can help you get better. What many people do is just play the games they want to get better at and just get mad when they been playing for a couple weeks and they are still not getting any better. A tip for gamers to get better is if you fail at a mission, challenge or a game look back at what you did and tell yourself what you could have done differently. I have done this myself when playing Fortnite Battle Royale. There’s been too many times to count where I lost the game when I should have easily won it. I then go back and watch the replay and study it and learn from my mistakes on what not to do next time I’m in a similar situation. The more you play multiplayer games the better you can be a reading enemies and knowing where they go. For example if you play Call of Duty and you play a certain map over and over and know where the enemy will go once they spawn then there's a better chance you can surprise them and they won't even know what happened. Also in multiplayer games you usually level up and while you level up you get put into games with players usually at the same level so you will be challenged to become better. Just remember:

Another thing that has become more popular within the recent years is just watching other people the game you are trying to get better at. The most popular streaming platform right now is Twitch. Watching other people can actually help you improve on the game. By watching professionals it can help you make decisions in the game that maybe you didn’t think of. By watching the streamers it may even get you to start streaming. Overall watching people who are amazing at the game your trying to get better could help you in the long run.

A simple change you can make that you might not know affects you is the controller you are using. There are the normal controllers that usually comes with the console that most people use but sometimes you need your own controller. I play Xbox and for some reason when I use the original controller it came with I don’t do as good, I have a special controller that has a different feel than the original and it fits me better. Some people have their special controller that allows them to be more comfortable and better. Trying a different controller could help you on your gameplay.

The main thing to become a better gamer is just to keep playing. At the end of the day it’s just a game so it’s best to keep your cool and learn from your mistakes. If you keep getting mad just don’t give up some games take a lot of time to become good at. As long as you put in the work you can get results. A good thing that many professional gamers do is keeping a clear mind. By eating and sleeping right it can make you more energetic and become more focus on the game when you play it.