Thursday, July 5, 2018

Hypothetical Post: Virtual Reality Taking Over

What if virtual reality took over the real reality?
Virtual reality is a computer-generated 3D environment that can be interacted in a seemingly real way. That can be used for fun like games or professional like simulations. Virtual reality can be experiences though just some of the senses. The thing about VR is that it’s becoming cheaper and more widespread.
Let's look at some of the health issues that can be caused from virtual reality. First thing that most people get when they experience virtual reality is motion sickness. Motion sickness usually consists of headaches, discomfort, and some stomach awareness. Something that could happen is if a person is trying to use a flight simulator then they could get sick from it and never fly.
Something that VR is doing now is helping people train for surgery and different simulations. There is flight, driving, and even more simulations that are being use now to improve real life experiences. VR is also improving on how people are playing games.
Virtual reality can become something awesome in the future. With VR movie/ films can become a real 3D experience like nothing else. Another thing that VR could be used for in the future is visiting places like famous landmarks and museums. Like I mentioned before the simulations can be improve for a more real-life experience. Surprisingly it could become an improvement for some people. Maybe in the future there will be virtual reality that can be experienced through all senses. VR can become something huge in the future, but time will tell.

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