Friday, June 29, 2018

Problem Post: Video Game Addiction

The most popular problem that comes with video games is video game addiction. This is what many people think when they hear problems with video games. This usually starts when the person spends all of their free time playing video games and not having any social interaction in real life. Playing video games for around 6 to 10 hours a day will lead to a negative impact on school work and relationships. Having a video game addiction will likely cause health problems from lack of sleep and inactivity. It won't just affect the person with the addiction but also friends and family around them with creating conflicts. Some of the reasons that video games are so addictive is that some games have no end or it takes a very long time to beat a game. Multiplayer games are never-ending until the person decides to stop playing. Even if a game has no ending there are rewards to the player for playing and makes them play longer and longer. As a player plays more they will get better rewards which makes them play even more. Something else about multiplayer is that other players encourage other people to stay playing for hours. There are treatments for the people with the addiction starting with one-on-one counselling with a therapist. If an addict has many conflicts with their family there is family therapy for this addiction. Something that can prevent this is having the time playing limited a day. Also having more family get together can help with social interactions and get away from video games.

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