Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Interview Post: My Brother

I will be interviewing a person I have known for all my life, my brother. Him and I have been playing games all our lives but as time goes on we go our separate ways and set aside video games. With this said we both have  our own opinions about video games and here are the questions i asked him:

What impact do you think video games have on young kids?
Good- Communicating outside of classrooms becoming more outgoing. Hand eye coordination is something that can be use all their life.
Bad- Violent games  have the tendencies to make it look like violence is okay to do in real life because you can respawn with a press of a button.

Do you think that video games have helped you in any aspect of life?
Staying connected with friends and even family. Being able to talk with friends that moved away and staying close to them. Sticking up for yourself in games if there is a bully and facing conflict in a different way.

Do you think that video games should have stricter age limits?
No, it’s up to the parents on what they think is appropriate for their age. We were not allow to play GTA which is rated M for mature because of the bad language and sexual content. We finally got of age in high school when we were finally allowed to play it.

If you have kids in the future will you let them play video games? Why?
Yes but the games have to be appropriate for their for age at the time. Also the time allowed to play video games will be limited. I will also want my kids more outside than inside.
Finally how often do you play video games?

About 10 hours a week which is about 2 hours a day. There are weeks where I play less and go be with family and friends.

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