Pillar 4: Recommended Product: League of Legends

League of Legends is a free to play multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) video game developed by Riot Games. This game is only played on the computer. The player controls a champion with abilities they use against the enemy team. Each champion has its own role in the game. The game is played on the map summoner's rift with 5 players on each team. In a normal game there is 1 player in the top lane, 1 player in the middle, 1 player in the jungle and 2 players in the bottom. The top lane usually has a bruiser or a fighter champion that can act as a front line when the two teams start to fight.

Summoner's Rift
The jungle can be a mix of champions from assassins to bruisers to mages. The middle is usually a mage and ranged champion that can deal out tons of damage. The 2 players in the bottom can get confusing with 1 player being the ADC (attack damage carry) which means that they usually to the most amount of damage and is in the back of the line. The other player usually plays a support champion that supports the ADC in the beginning part of the game and then starts to support the whole team in team fights. There are many champions to choose from which makes every game different and exciting, I have played this game for about 3 years and every game has been different. I really enjoy the different champions because there is always a new champion to play. There are currently 141 champions in the game as of June 2018.
There are new champions being released every couple months. Throughout the whole game there are minions that go done the top, middle and bottom lane. The minions come in waves through the whole game.

League of Legend Champions
Each game has many different objectives that are in every game. The main one is to win and you do that by destroying the nexus which is in the enemy’s base. It sounds pretty easy but with the enemy team trying to stop you it gets harder. On top of that there are enemy turrets that start to shot you if you get too close to them. To win you will also have to destroy the turrets to get to the nexus. There are even more objectives to try and remember. There are 2 pits on the map with 1 holding dragons (drakes) that can give your team special power up likes more damage to turrets or more damage to champions. The other pit includes a rift herald giving the player who killed it powers to increase the minions in the player’s lane. After 20 minutes the pit with the rift herald gets overthrown by baron which has the same powers as rift herald but affects the whole team also giving the team extra damage.

I already said how to win but to get there you have to be able to kill the enemy and get to the nexus. To get strong and kill the enemies you will need to get items. To get items you will need to retrieve gold. You get a small amount of gold every second but to get a good amount of gold you need to last hit minions. Last hitting means you attack the minion right before it dies. Using the gold you can get good items to make your champion stronger. Having the higher amount of gold can mean that you are stronger than the enemy so you can win. Another way to receive gold is by eliminating other champions and enemy turrets.

This is the short version about what the game is all about. There is even more to the game but it is one of the best game I have ever played. Something that I love about the game is that it’s always changing. There are patches that are applied to the game every 2 weeks changing the game. Having the game change makes the game exciting every time you play. There are even different game modes to play. There is one mode that has a different map that I play the most and that’s ARAM (all random all mid). This mode consists of one lane with the same amount of players but the catch is that in the beginning of the game you are chosen a random champion to play. The reason I like this game mode because it allows me to play other champions I might have never thought to do. I love this game and spent too much money on it. Playing this game with a group of friends makes it that much better.  I would recommend this game to someone who is getting into gaming on the PC. League of legends is one of the most popular Esports game with having a total of 73 million views on Twitch for the 2017 World Championship. This Championship was so big it sold out the Beijing National Stadium
League of Legends Championship
seconds after they were on sale. The professional aspect of this game is very intense. I watched the 2017 Worlds and was amazed by some of the plays I saw. There is always something new be added or change that the pros will us to their benefit and change the game. With the popularity of this game so high being a part of it is awesome. Some people just play one game and think it’s too difficult but once you give it a try you won't be disappointed.  If you were even thinking about gaming try this game out.

My final thought is that League of Legends will always fall under one of my favorite games and I’m a gamer and played a ton of games. The amount of fun and excitement I got from this game from over the years does not compare to any other game I have played. I will always come back to this game excited to try all the new additions to the game. League of legend is a game I would recommend to any gamer or non-gamer out there.

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